Dear ally of Kanaka Maoli Scholars Against Desecration:
Thank you for asking us about our open letter against desecration from
September 13, 2008. We have an update and an URGENT ACTION REQUEST.
Kanaka Maoli Scholars Against Desecration ask that you take time to speak
out and send letters to select Hawai`i state representatives by Wednesday,
October 1 at 5pm HST (11am EDT) before the KNIBC meets on Thursday 9am HST
to review the case again, as per Judge Watanabe’s order.
It is CRUCIAL that letters reach these people by the deadline, especially
from allies outside of Hawai`i so that those trying to circumvent their
own state laws know "the whole world is watching."
On September 15th, 5th circuit Judge Watanabe delivered her oral ruling on
the case opining that the Hawai`i State Historic Preservation Division
(SHPD) failed to follow state law after the Kaua`i-Ni`ihau Island Burial
Council (KNIBC) voted in April to preserve the burials in place. Instead,
state archaeologist Nancy MacMahon (Deputy Officer of the SHPD) improperly
approved a Burial Treatment Plan (BTP) for property owned by California
developer Joseph Brescia, without the consultation of the council.
Still, the judge refused to grant a temporary injunction to haul
construction at the site.
Desecration continues at the site today in violation of HI state law.
Nonetheless, the agency must now consult with the KNIBC, any lineal
descendants of the remains, interested Hawaiian organizations, and the
landowner about a revised BTP. The BTP is now in its third version and
was prepared by contract archaeologists on behalf of the developer Joseph
Brescia. We reject the BTP because "Burial treatment" = desecration.
Desecration is desecration, and it’s against the US federal and HI state
laws. See details on the Hawai`i revised statute 711-1107 in original
letter below.
Besides encouraging you to draw from our original letter (included
further) below as you daft one of your own, here are our suggested key
points to assert in your letter (since these items are on the agenda for
Thursday’s Burial Council meeting re: this case):
* Naue is an ancient Hawaiian cemetery (SHPD doesn't even recognize
that it is a cemetery);
* "Preserve in place" means no building on top of the cemetery at Naue;
* Vertical buffers and concrete jackets around each of the seven burials
within the footprint of the planned residence does NOT constitute
"preserve in place" for those burials as well as the entire cemetery; this
is desecration. No house should be built there;
* It is unacceptable to have no access rights delineated in the most
recent proposal since anyone who might be later recognized as a lineal or
cultural descendant would be cut out of the right to conduct their
tradition religious and customary practices at the site.
Please send all letters to:
Nancy McMahon Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
AND BE SURE TO CC: the following: (as well as me at jkauanui@wesleyan.edu):
Laura H. Thielen, Chairperson of Department of Land and Natural Resources
Pua Aiu, SHPD Administrator
Hawai`i Gov. Linda Lingle
Kaua`i County Council members
Kaipo Asing, Mayor of Kaua`i
Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Mahalo, with thanks, Kehaulani
J. Kehaulani Kauanui
September 13, 2008
Open Letter from Kanaka Maoli Scholars Against Desecration
As Kanaka Maoli professors and scholars we write to publicly condemn the
state-sponsored desecration of a Native Hawaiian burial site at Wainiha,
Kaua`i resulting from the construction of a new home at Naue Point by
California businessman Joseph Brescia. For years Brescia has been trying
to build a home on top of our ancestral graves despite a litany of
environmental, legal and community challenges to his construction. In
2007 Brescia unearthed and then covered over the bones of our ancestors
when he began clearing the area. The illegal and immoral disturbance and
desecration of our ancestors’ remains must stop now.
The Hawai`i revised statute 711-1107 on Desecration specifically states
that no one may commit the offense of desecrating "a place of worship or
burial," and the statute defines "desecrate" as "defacing, damaging,
polluting, or otherwise physically mistreating in a way that the defendant
knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or
discover the defendant's action." In complete contradiction to their own
law, the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land
and Natural Resources approved a "burial treatment plan" for Brescia that
undermines both the very concept of historic preservation and the reason
for the founding of the Hawai`i Burials Council: to protect burials, not
"treat" them. This "burial treatment plan" enabled Brescia to secure
permits to build as long as the graves remain "in place," which in this
case means the burials have been capped with concrete already poured for
the footings of his house.
To date, 5th Circuit Judge Kathleen Watanabe has denied requests for a
temporary restraining order and has even refused to grant a temporary
injunction to stop further construction until the full civil suit is
adjudicated by the state court. State Historic Preservation Division
archaeologist and Kaua`i County Council candidate Nancy McMahon testified
that the dozens of previously identified burials do not constitute a
cemetery, but should be thought of instead as individual grave sites—a
distinction that is meaningless in the laws against the desecration of
burial sites. An archaeologist hired by Brescia, Mike Dega, told the court
that he would not define the site as a cemetery because for "pre-contact"
burials, he has no standards by which he can say a burial ground is a
cemetery. In other words, in his view there is no such thing as a
"pre-contact" (by which he means pre-European or pre-Christian) Native
Hawaiian "cemetery." According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a
cemetery is defined simply as "a burial ground"; within this standard
definition there are no additional historical or cultural qualifications
that need to be met. Dega’s assessments and the court's acceptance of them
shamelessly evade the entire moral and ethical purpose of the legislation
enacted to protect gravesites by playing a deceptive game of words. Let us
be clear: a burial is a cemetery and a cemetery is a burial. No matter
how they describe the grave sites, they cannot erase the existence of the
burials; they cannot turn these graves into a "non-cemetery," and they
cannot erase the reality of the ongoing desecration caused by this
Adding further insult to his desecration of Hawaiian graves, Brescia
recently lodged a lawsuit against six people—all of whom are Kanaka
Maoli—implicated in protecting the burial site from his construction work.
He has charged them with trespassing, unspecified damages, and even
"terroristic acts." Brescia subsequently filed a motion to identify nearly
a dozen more "Doe defendants" and add them to his original lawsuit in an
attempt to include cultural and religious practitioners from neighbor
islands that came to bear witness to and defend against the crimes at
Naue. We strongly condemn this Orwellian view of who should be defined as
trespassing and causing damage.
We call out to all people of conscience to join in our condemnation of the
desecration of the ancestral remains; to support an end to the illegal
construction supported by the state, and to protest any prosecution of
those who have laid their bodies down to prevent the further degradation
of the bones of our kūpuna.
Hokulani Aikau, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political Science, University
of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Carlos Andrade, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Kamakakūokalani Center for
Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
J. Leilani Basham, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Humanities, University of
Hawai`i at West O`ahu
Maenette Benham, Ed.D., Dean, Hawai`inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge,
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
J. Noelani Goodyear- Ka`ōpua, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Political
Science, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Lisa Kahaleole Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies, Wells
Kū Kahakalau, Ph.D., founder and director of Kanu o ka ‘Āina New Century
Public Charter School
Lilikalā Kame`eleihiwa, Ph.D., Professor, Kamakakūokalani Center for
Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Val Kalei Kanuha, Ph.D., M.S.W., Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology and
American Studies, Wesleyan University
Manulani Meyer, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Education, University of
Hawai`i at Hilo
Jon Kamakawiwo`ole Osorio, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kamakakūokalani
Center for Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Noenoe K. Silva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science, University
of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Ty Kawika Tengan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology and Ethnic
Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Haunani-Kay Trask,Ph.D. Professor, Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian
Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa
Erin K. Wright, Ph.D., Director of Native Hawaiian Student Services
Hawai'inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oh My GAWD. I just about had an orgasm when I found this in my blog reader. Sweet Jesus. Amen. Holy Spirit. Etc.
Only thing that could have made this collection look better than it already does is if some astute researcher came upon more of Octavia Butler's unpublished works and added a few to the mix. I just finished Bloodchild and Other Stories (2005) and my heart is still pounding. The woman was genius incarnate. Her stories are timeless.
If for nothing else but in her honor, indulge yourself in some delicious, fantastic, fabulous and (damn right) woman-centered Afrofuturism. To be released December 2008.

Only thing that could have made this collection look better than it already does is if some astute researcher came upon more of Octavia Butler's unpublished works and added a few to the mix. I just finished Bloodchild and Other Stories (2005) and my heart is still pounding. The woman was genius incarnate. Her stories are timeless.
If for nothing else but in her honor, indulge yourself in some delicious, fantastic, fabulous and (damn right) woman-centered Afrofuturism. To be released December 2008.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Please Read and Respond!
Dear Ella's Daughters and friends,
I'm enlisting your support to reach out to Martina Correia, a sister in the struggle, who is fighting to save her brother's life. Troy Davis, who is likely an innocent man on Georgia's death row, is scheduled to be executed in less than six days on September 23. Despite her own personal battle with breast cancer, Martina has been fighting tirelessly, fiercely and relentlessly for justice.
I received this message from Martina the other day:
"I want everyone to know that we are still fighting for Troy, you have not heard from me in two days because I have been trying to answer so many calls and get rest in between. I went to see Troy yesterday and he is in good spirits, prayerful and saying we can never give up they can take my physical form but nothing else. But this is not the time to think he will be executed we have to fight them and we have to fight hard."
I'm asking you to e-mail me statements of support -- they can be brief, a few words of encouragement, a quick note -- that I will collect and send to Martina along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Ella's Daughters as an expression of our love and solidarity (another great idea by our very own Barbara Ransby to send sisters in the struggle flowers from Ella's Daughters -- this could be a new tradition!)
Please send me your statements of support by Friday. I know this is a quick turn around, but unfortunately, we don't have much time. And please, please see the links below to learn more about the case and what you can do to try to stop this execution. One easy thing is to text the parole board from your cell phone. Go to send message, type the name TROY, then send to 90999.
in struggle,
Alice Kim
Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty website -- for updates and actions you can take
Troy Davis to Die Next Week: Will Georgia Execute an Innocent Man?
Martina Correia on Democracy Now! (on 9/12/08)
Activist in Action: Martina Correia
Interview with Martina Correia: The Fight for My Brother Troy
I'm enlisting your support to reach out to Martina Correia, a sister in the struggle, who is fighting to save her brother's life. Troy Davis, who is likely an innocent man on Georgia's death row, is scheduled to be executed in less than six days on September 23. Despite her own personal battle with breast cancer, Martina has been fighting tirelessly, fiercely and relentlessly for justice.
I received this message from Martina the other day:
"I want everyone to know that we are still fighting for Troy, you have not heard from me in two days because I have been trying to answer so many calls and get rest in between. I went to see Troy yesterday and he is in good spirits, prayerful and saying we can never give up they can take my physical form but nothing else. But this is not the time to think he will be executed we have to fight them and we have to fight hard."
I'm asking you to e-mail me statements of support -- they can be brief, a few words of encouragement, a quick note -- that I will collect and send to Martina along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Ella's Daughters as an expression of our love and solidarity (another great idea by our very own Barbara Ransby to send sisters in the struggle flowers from Ella's Daughters -- this could be a new tradition!)
Please send me your statements of support by Friday. I know this is a quick turn around, but unfortunately, we don't have much time. And please, please see the links below to learn more about the case and what you can do to try to stop this execution. One easy thing is to text the parole board from your cell phone. Go to send message, type the name TROY, then send to 90999.
in struggle,
Alice Kim
Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty website -- for updates and actions you can take
Troy Davis to Die Next Week: Will Georgia Execute an Innocent Man?
Martina Correia on Democracy Now! (on 9/12/08)
Activist in Action: Martina Correia
Interview with Martina Correia: The Fight for My Brother Troy
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Aunt Chloe: A Journal of Artful Candor
Aunt Chloe: A Journal of Artful Candor
Aunt Chloe is a journal for people who have reclaimed the spaces denied them by cultural and historical tyranny. She belongs to any of us who have been pushed out of the spotlight, yet through art, literature, and dialogue have re-chosen where we belong.
Submission Guidelines
Aunt Chloe welcomes submissions for its 2009 issue. We accept poetry, fiction, nonfiction (essays, articles, reviews, memoir), interviews and conversations, and visual art. We like work that tackles issues of the political, personal, mundane and earth-shattering in artful and candid ways, with the intent of illuminating the overlooked and the disregarded.
Our reading period is September 15-February 1. All submissions must be received by the deadline.
Poetry: 3-5 poems
Fiction: max. 2000 words
Essays, Articles, Reviews: max. 1000 words
Personal essay/memoir: max. 1500 words
Interview/conversation: Before embarking on any type of interview or conversation, please query.
Art: Please give us details about the format of the artwork before sending it.
For submissions by mail, you should include a brief cover letter with your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and the titles of works submitted, as well as an SASE and a brief biographical note.
All submissions should be addressed to:
Aunt Chloe
Spelman College
350 Spelman Lane, SW
Campus Box 323
Atlanta, GA 30314
You will be notified by email upon receipt of your submission.
For email submissions, include the same personal information indicated above in the body of the email. All files should be in Microsoft Word .doc format only. Submit multiple poems as one file. Give the file an appropriate title excluding your name, but including the genre (e.g., “3 Love Poems”). The same applies for all other genres: file names should contain submission title and genre.
Send all submissions to auntchloe@gmail.com
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but we must be notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.
Please expect a decision within five months.
Payment for publication is in the form of two copies per contributor. Authors retain all rights to their work.
Any questions can be directed to auntchloe@gmail.com
Aunt Chloe is a journal for people who have reclaimed the spaces denied them by cultural and historical tyranny. She belongs to any of us who have been pushed out of the spotlight, yet through art, literature, and dialogue have re-chosen where we belong.
Submission Guidelines
Aunt Chloe welcomes submissions for its 2009 issue. We accept poetry, fiction, nonfiction (essays, articles, reviews, memoir), interviews and conversations, and visual art. We like work that tackles issues of the political, personal, mundane and earth-shattering in artful and candid ways, with the intent of illuminating the overlooked and the disregarded.
Our reading period is September 15-February 1. All submissions must be received by the deadline.
Poetry: 3-5 poems
Fiction: max. 2000 words
Essays, Articles, Reviews: max. 1000 words
Personal essay/memoir: max. 1500 words
Interview/conversation: Before embarking on any type of interview or conversation, please query.
Art: Please give us details about the format of the artwork before sending it.
For submissions by mail, you should include a brief cover letter with your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and the titles of works submitted, as well as an SASE and a brief biographical note.
All submissions should be addressed to:
Aunt Chloe
Spelman College
350 Spelman Lane, SW
Campus Box 323
Atlanta, GA 30314
You will be notified by email upon receipt of your submission.
For email submissions, include the same personal information indicated above in the body of the email. All files should be in Microsoft Word .doc format only. Submit multiple poems as one file. Give the file an appropriate title excluding your name, but including the genre (e.g., “3 Love Poems”). The same applies for all other genres: file names should contain submission title and genre.
Send all submissions to auntchloe@gmail.com
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but we must be notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.
Please expect a decision within five months.
Payment for publication is in the form of two copies per contributor. Authors retain all rights to their work.
Any questions can be directed to auntchloe@gmail.com
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