Monday, November 2, 2009

Tyra Banks’ Race Problem


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via The Thirty Mile Woman by cocacy on 10/27/09

Tyra, Tyra, Tyra. With each new venture, new show, I am becoming increasing more disappointed with Miss Banks. Last week's episode of ANTM cinched the deal. Putting some of the models in Blackface and then simulating "biracial" looks, Tyra has officially fell over the deep end. Tyra's problems with race politics and color go deep and can be seen in any number of episodes on her show and on ANTM. A few years ago, a writer at Slate Magazine posed the question, Is Tyra Banks a Racist? Indeed, Tyra is much harder on Black women than anyone else and the quality of her programming is indeed troubling.

I have no doubt at all that Tyra Banks has good intentions but how does that saying go… the road to hell is paved with…
Perhaps the most troubling element of Tyra Banks' Race Problem is that her demographic is the 18-34 segment. In other words, young women. Young people are consuming her media in droves and her politics around race particularly are so skewed that you can't help but to prepare for the worse. A while back, I actually wrote an article for Popmatters about Tyra and some of her insanity. Tyra has been increasingly irresponsible in dealing with issues of race, gender, color, size and sexuality. This is not the first time that Tyra has used Blackface as a fashion idea on ANTM and I'm sure it won't be the last but I think Tyra needs to take a page out of Bill Cosby's book and hire someone (Dr. Alvin Pouissant) who would actually tell her when she is being foolish. If you're reading Tyra, I'm available!


Things you can do from here:


1 comment:

Leah said...

thank you for posting this. I stopped watching ANTM bc of my schedule, and just happened to catch that blackface episode last week...I wasnted to say something on twitter and facebook, but I thought that maybe I was being too sensitive. I thought, "hey, it's for art, it's for fashion. maybe I'm just being too much of an angry black woman"....but it bothered me something fierce...left a really bad taste in my mouth...all of the girls had heavy "blackface" on except for the black girl named sundair, who was supposed to be russian and (??oops, I forget)...

so thanks again for posting this. Glad to know that I wasn't the only one bothered by it...back to more more ANTM for me!