Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Because when you say you can fix the problem by consuming the right things,...


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via guerrilla mama on 1/9/10

"Because when you say you can fix the problem by consuming the right things, by doing correct individual actions–you don't have to think about real solutions. You don't have to think about capitalism or the shit corporations put in our food. And you can look down on people who don't live up to those individualist morals. You get to feel good about yourself for teaching your niece to say no to dessert, and not to waste water. I don't think it's a coincidence that so much of the responsibility, in both cases, lands on the shoulders of women. So much of it has to do with food. Maybe it's time for us as women to let go of guilt for not being vegan, for taking long showers, for leaving the water running, for all of it, just as we let go of guilt for what we eat. Because not only does "every little bit" not necessarily help, the attitude that it does contributes to shaming women, and elevates middle class conservation to a morality that was never allowed the poor. Consuming your way to environmental salvation: the feminism-acceptable diet talk."

- It's not a diet, it's lifestyle activism « Reconcile


Things you can do from here:


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