Wednesday, January 13, 2010

beige band-aids for your brown skin.


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via Tongue Rhythms by z.bediako on 1/13/10

we, the united states of america
offer you
full assistance
now that
your city
has been destroyed.
now that
stones cover your baby
whose empty belly
didn't hurry our help.
we offer you
full assistance
now that
the world can't stifle your cry
or place a blind eye
on your
furious legs
scatter the city,
violent with panic
we offer you
food now that many cant be fed.
but you are used to hunger.
we offer you clothes
although many backs lay flat
but you know rags very well.
we offer you clean water
now that sister can't drink
but buckets been heavy with brown water
we offer you
beige band aids
to cover wounds
dusty amid the rubble
but you've been wounded
before the quake.


Things you can do from here:


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