Monday, October 25, 2010

"By suggesting that it’s feasible and possible to eat well on such little mo...


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via Liquor&Spice on 10/25/10

"By suggesting that it's feasible and possible to eat well on such little money, we are suggesting that poverty is a livable way of life. Again, by definition, poverty is not livable. It is not sustainable. You cannot make poverty work, because by definition poverty means not having enough money to make life work."

- narduar from feministe comment thread on "Food For a Dollar" post


Things you can do from here:



DTA said...

"by definition poverty means not having enough money to make life work."
this is real and so obvious that i'm ashamed i've never thought to look at it just like this. instead i get upset when i see nothing but fast food restaurants or corner stores without a single fresh product in the hood. Fresh and healthy food can sometime be completely inaccessible as the avg income of the citizens decrease and it's just not right.
people are being denied what i believe is a right to food that isn't killing them.

Sariane Leigh said...

Food Justice is a Human Right. But it starts with how we use our dollar in our community. Change that corner store into a food coop. Boycott until they provide fresh vegetables and a cleaner environment for shopping.