Greetings loved ones!
There is a lot of sunshine in my life this week. The MobileHomecoming is in Northern Florida, I got to go to Eatonville, hometown of Zora Neale Hurston, the black woman genius who inspired me to become a writer when a was just a wee girl, and I spent yesterday listening to my Nana tell me about her childhood, and I'm in love and right now I'm writing to you!!!!! Brightness everywhere and only a little more than a month before solstice time.
I am writing to share my gratitude for the intense inspiration and energy that I know can take us all the way through the darkest day of the year. I am affirmed and energized by each of the 15 interviews we did for the Mobilehomecoming in the past few days. I am humbled and honored to see my mother's face in my grandmother's face and my grandmother describes her transformative first conversation with her 5 day old daughter. I felt an electric charge standing in the all-black town (still all black run incorporated town y'all!!!) that inspired Zora Neale Hurston to be her quirky fearless self. Our incredible legacy is an renewable energy source...when we nurture it, focus on it, cherish it and share it.
Use this forum to talk about the sunshine in your life right now! How are your ancestors recharging you?
And if you want to hear QBG's Lex and Julia about our journey in Florida listen to us on the radio!!!! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sippin-on-ink/2010/11/18/queer-black-mobilehomecoming
and if you want your community to be a MobileHomecoming stop on our journey across the Southeast and Southwest and up California in February and March send us an email at mobilehomecoming@gmail.com!!
AND since the recharge supernovas happen when QBG's interface in person...much gratitude for QBG's Almah and Melissa who are dreaming and scheming about a QBG retreat/aka sanctuary/aka best thing ever!!! Please help them continue to plan (and let them know that YOU want to help plan) by answering these questions and emailing your responses to almah.alchemy@gmail.com (don't you just LOVE that email address!!??!!):
Welcome to the dream of the QBG Retreat! With your help, we'll create a temporary
autonomous zone of QBG restoration and resistance--replete with workshops and
ample opportunities to connect and commune and cause revolution....
We're thinking of staging this sanctuary at Sewanee: The University of the South
(Sewanee, TN) or at Berea College (Berea, KY).
If you are interested in gathering with us, would Berea work for you? Y/N:
What about Sewanee? Y/N:
Please rate your interest in the following workshop categories on a scale of 1 - 5.
With 1 being "OMIGODDESS--this is a QBG dream come true! I couldn't be MORE
interested!" to 5 being "I'll pass."
Treasuring Ourselves: loving our QBG selves, in-bodied and embodied, from soul to
skin. ___
Strange Black Earth: living an Earth-centered lifestyle/veganism/vegetarianism/low-
impact living/urban farms/homesteading/self-sufficiency __
Toward a QBG Planet: building solidarity/making the world safer and sweeter for
QBGs/crafting communities of support __
To be Ageless, Gifted, and Black: Performing art/spoken word/fine art/experimental art/
crafting/creative living __
So that we may live abundantly: Exploring livelihood, staying true to your heart AND
financial thrival. __
Dark and lustfully: Sex, desire, polyamory, kink, tantra, reclaiming/inventing your
sexuality ___
Sacred space: ritual, Earth-based faiths, Buddhism, reclaiming African indigenous paths,
Christianity, Hinduism, shamanism, "the unnameable way" ___
Open-ended questions:
Is there anything you'd like to experience at the retreat that wasn't mentioned above?
Would you like to help organize this event...facilitate a workshop...assist with fundraising
and/or promotion...or be otherwise involved (please share how)?
Do you have any venue/location ideas? If so, please share:
Yes! Solar powered even through winter and ready to grow together. I love being a QBG with YOU!!!!
Bright kisses and infinite LOVE,