Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Crunk Feminists Fire Back


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From the Crunk Feminist Collective:

When our (white) colleagues call for work that is "rigorous," often what they really mean is that feminism, particularly the kind of feminism that focuses explicitly on calling out white supremacy in all its guises, is in state of rigor mortis. In other words, if feminism is gonna do all that, it's better off dead. In fact, given the way that some folks lament the past, you would think that something precious had died. 

Certainly, the premature death of so many of our feminist foremothers— Gloria Anzaldúa, Barbara Christian, Audre Lorde, Nellie McKay, and too many others—is a cautionary tale about how deadly this work can be.

This is why we give the side eye to all the mumbling and grumbling about the so-called lack of rigor going on at the NWSA conference and in other spaces where women of color come together unapologetically. We know what those folks really mean. It means they're tired of talking about us and want to return to talking about themselves. It means they want us to be silent, to be invisible, to, in fact, disappear. Well, we've got news for them: we're here to stay.


Shots fired bitches. And I mean that in the most FEMINIST way possible.

Read the rest over there. Saludos mujeres! I love yall!


Things you can do from here:


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