Sunday, January 30, 2011

"More than 1,500 people in this predominantly Latino community took part in ...


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via on 1/29/11

"More than 1,500 people in this predominantly Latino community took part in the protest, many of them chanting "Si, se puede," the Spanish-language version of President Obama's 2008 campaign slogan."


amazed  how quick erasure takes place.

California Latinos protest Arizona push to end birthright citizenship - By the CNN Wire staff

You have got to be kidding me.

From the first two paragraphs of the wikipedia page for Sí se puede.:

Sí, se puede (Spanish for "Yes, it is possible" or, roughly, "Yes, it can be done"[1]) is the motto of the United Farm Workers. In 1972, during Cesar Chavez's 24 day fast in Phoenix, Arizona, he and UFW's co-founder, Dolores Huerta came up with the slogan.[1]

The phrase has been widely adopted by other labor unions and civil rights organizations and drew widespread political and media attention as a rallying cry during the 2006 U.S. immigration reform protests.[2][3]

This is what cultural appropriation looks like, if you're ever in need of an example.

(via sexartandpolitics)


(via healingsakina


And I just am convinced these jackasses don't read anything not written by white folks

(via blackamazon)

I knew the phrase before the Obama campaign, but I never knew about it being from any political movement. Let alone anything as important as United Farm Worker and labor unions.

And it's kind of hilariously terrible to me now, remembering how I did learn the phrase: from Disney!  Yup. Good ol' Disney used it in a tv movie called, "Gotta Kick It Up." I remember cuz I was confused on how 'si se puede' meant 'yes WE can.' (I hadn't taken formal spanish classes yet).

But yeah, perfect example of appropriation and imperialism and commercialization and everything else terrible.  Thanks for schoolin me on what these words actually stand for.

(via liquornspice)


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