Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Want to help Kelley Williams-Bolar?


Sent to you by moya via Google Reader:


via Liquor&Spice on 1/26/11





She is the black mother who was convicted of a felony and sentenced to jail time and probation for sending her two daughters to a school in a different district. As you have probably guessed, the school they attended is safer and whiter than the one in the girls' neighborhood. The school hired a private detective to catch this woman.

She's in need of donations to appeal the sentence.
You can send them to the National Action Network Akron Chapter, c/o Kelley Williams-Bolar, P.O. Box 4152, Akron, Ohio, 44321. Checks can be made payable to Williams-Bolar.

Please spread this far and wide.

For those of you who missed the original story or my rant about it on Gawker, I encourage you to read about it and get involved.

This woman is sitting in jail right now for trying to get her children out of the projects and a dismally failing school system in order to give them the same opportunities that kids in the 86.4% White neighboring township have. For breaking laws and policies that ensure that the 40% of African-Americans who live in poverty in her city - a city that was once home to the largest Ku Klux Klan chpater in the nation - will stay uneducated and unable to rise above their conditions.

The National Action Network is the non-profit civil rights organization founded and run by the Rev. Al Sharpton. Whatever you think of the man personally, it is an established and reputable organization that has been thoroughly vetted for donations.

Even if you just send $5 in a card that says "Good Luck" send something. This is entirely too fucked up not to take a stand over.

You can also sign the petition for sentencing reduction here.

Reblogging again for MizJenkins great additional info.

Signal boosting. 


Things you can do from here:


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