Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mothering Myself


i honor the ancestors and the universe for placing their passion for creation in my heard. in my hands. rushing it through my veins as faith and movement. i am full with love and gratitude and overflowing and renewed.

mother. myself.

i promise to see myself from the perspective of this photograph that my mother took. a bright energy learning to walk. heart and hands open to celebration, to support. I can remember to believe that even if i fall i will be loved. always more surrounded in love.


i will honor this body as a place where life happens. i will attend to this body lovingly as a sacred passage where ancestors walk, dance, sing and fly, where new life will grow and be born, as an altar to their greatness that must always be as clear, open and whole as possible.


i take responsibility for creating safe, soft and well-communicated boundaries to protect and train my purpose which is sacred and which grows and walks and changes. i will remember that these boundaries do not make a closed box. they make a fruitful path.


i honor and cherish the act of opening. i honor and participate in the process of birth in a different and related way, every day. i honor my purpose when i create and support loving spaces for my community to be reborn, individually and collectively


that's me!

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