Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Still so much work to do...


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via Liquor&Spice on 1/4/11

Overheard lil bro calling some girl a whore. Tried to push him to define what a 'whore' is and why he gets to make the call that she is one. But the parents got in the way and he blew me off and left. They always get mad when I challenge him on stuff like this. Like, "He's ur brother! Do you really think he'd be that way?" Well, I'm sure nobody thinks their brother will grow up to be an asshole, but here we are. World full of assholes…

Now I'm trying to come up with a good lesson plan to address this tomorrow. We've watched Beyond Beats& Rhymes, but can't hurt to revisit it. I'm a little worried because I know I'll have to combat his whole concept of sex. We've butt heads over this before: that having/liking sex doesnt make anyone less of a person. And I'm just not sure the best way to explain that sex is not a commodity…

And im kicking myself cuz I think I may have reinforced this good kid/bad kid dichotomy. Been telling him I'm proud he chooses not to drink n do drugs. Always give pos. reinforcement when he acts as designated driver to his friends. Definitely need to let him know drinking n drugs DOESN'T make you a bad person. That I just want him to be safe and responsible and I don't think less of his friends who get drunk.

Ugh. Not looking forward to this. He's an Aries and can be truly selfish and nasty sometimes. But if I don't teach him this shit who will?


Things you can do from here:


1 comment:

tk said...

wow... so necessary and so disturbing...