Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black Woman, Love Thyself: The Yoni Project

Assata’s Daughters Project Presents:

“Black Woman, Love Thyself: The Yoni Project”.

Erin Morales-Williams will be running an interactive workshop for Black Women entitled “Black Woman, Love Thyself: The Yoni Project” a safe space for Black Women to connect with their bodies. The focus of the workshop is to create a holistically healthy relationship between Black Women and their bodies, particularly one of the least talked about the vagina. Her interactive Yoni Project uses the word yoni instead of vagina, since its rich Sanskrit-meaning, "origin of life," recognizes the spiritually healing and empowering components of the vagina. Despite the yoni being one of the least talked about body parts, it is one of the most sacred, empowering, and healing. In developing a healthy relationship, Black Women can have more a fuller relationship with their bodies, foster a healthy sexuality, and build a strong sense of self as a woman. Using various art techniques (creative writing, mixed media arts, movement), Black Women construct liberating messages about their yonis, similar to what Eve Ensler's play Vagina Monologues has done for older women for years. The Yoni project believes that when we teach Black Women how to explore and love their entire bodies on their own terms, we teach them that nobody can define those terms for them. When we help them to discover a language for these terms, we helped them discover meaningful power. Each yoni has a song. The Yoni Project teaches Sistas how to hear it, and become in tune with its rhythm.

All Sistas are welcomed and the admission is FREE

For more information email us at

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