Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dear TOSD community,We did it!!!!  Thank you!!!  In just under...


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Dear TOSD community,

We did it!!!!  Thank you!!!  In just under a week, we have raised about $2,400—enough to cover the lift AND the sling!  Truly amazing!!  Thank you thank you thank you!!

Thank you to everyone who was part of making it happen!  Folks donated funds from as far away as Australia!  People shared, re-blogged, linked and tweeted to help spread the word, adding personal messages of their own.  We raised $2,000 in the first 3 days.

Such community effort!  So appreciative and humbled by (y)our collective strength and touched by people's rush to give—across the world!

We have created a page (to the right) to list all of the folks who have given their time, energy, money, ideas, support, love and care to TOSD.  We could have never done this alone and TOSD grows every day.  Thank you for being part of our community!

with love, appreciation and interdependency,

mia and stacey

PS: we did not plan to match our outfits in this video.  ;)


Things you can do from here:


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