Monday, February 7, 2011

I hate when I look back on an argument and see even more clearly how useless...


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via Liquor&Spice on 2/7/11

I hate when I look back on an argument and see even more clearly how useless it was engaging with that person. Because everyone very fucking well knows I was not ever talking about the goddam lobsters or the poor dead puppies. I was talking about the people being thrown in jail cuz racism. But white people can only allow but SO MUCH critique of white supremacy before, "Hey, now. Woa. What's that racist thing got to do with your argument about racism? I mean, I get your point and all, but this cognitive dissonance is a bitch so I'm gonna need to deflect to this strawman target so as to minimize the impact of your actual statement."


Things you can do from here:


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