Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"People hate her, they really do. Did you know that to Yoko someone is a ver...


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via Liquor&Spice on 2/15/11

"People hate her, they really do. Did you know that to Yoko someone is a verb in America? It is something that boys say if they're hanging out with you too much and they're going to school or they have a band. It's almost a myth that's used to suppress women. Y'know, 'You're gonna Yoko me. You're gonna destroy me.' And this woman put up with racial inequality from Fleet Street, she put up with being accused of breaking up the best band in the world, she put up with people's idea that she castrated this man and then, worst of all, she had her best friend, her husband, the person she lived for, die in her arms in front of a fortress that she'd hidden herself in for 20 years. And I just feel that the world media should apologise to her because she handled it with so much dignity."


Courtney Love on Yoko Ono, 1993 (via fukiko) (via sailorv, anorexicmagazines-deactivated20)

this. all this. always this. it wasn't yoko's fault. so much respect for her, always.

(via robotghost)

(via feminismisforreal)

(via bohemianarthouse) (via nezua)


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